We are looking for people who have seen a Sasquatch or have significant evidence thereof. If you have experiences to share, please contact us!
How You Can Help or Contribute.
Many people ask how they can help Todd as he moves forward with his research and his dealings with the courts in trying to get Sasquatch recognized and protected as a species.
Your showing of support is not only immensely appreciated by Todd but it means more to him than he can even begin to explain. Thank you very much for that!
In Todd's videos you will have heard him invite everyone to become part of the cooperation (The Discovering Bigfoot Research Center) and there are a variety of ways to participate.
If you've watched any of Todd's videos or heard him talk about the expeditions or court costs he has incurred, a financial donation is one way to help because contributions from the cooperation is what will allow him to move forward.
Todd makes it clear in his videos that financial donations should only be made if they can be afforded. There are many other ways you can help for free. Simply share his videos, posters and GIFs on social media, recommend his documentary Discovering Bigfoot to friends (available from Netflix, Prime, YouTube, Vimeo and many other video on demand networks), join the forum to connect with others, share stories and knowledge, join in on the weekly live Q/A on his Sylvanic Bigfoot YouTube channel every Wednesday night, 6pm Pacific time. Please Note: A big help would be to share the Bigfoot Live Poster. Click here to go to our sister website where you can download the poster to your computer so you can share it on social media and a website.
Todd would also like to hear from anyone who is doing their own 'boots on the ground' research and who can provide him with recovered evidence to share their findings with him at bigfootencounter@gmail.com.
You may have a better idea on how you can help, tell us what skills you have to offer.
Check our how you can help via the help page on the forum here.
Together we can help the world share the wonder we all had in Discovering Bigfoot.
Thank you all so much for your ongoing support!
TDB Team